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Google Chart API showing wrong values

For one specific user the numbers in the table is showing wrong. The data is directly coming from the database. No issue in DB or backend. I am attaching the picture of the issue. Along with the code ...
Saba's user avatar
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visual studio code, How can i remove solid underline from functions

I have made a custom colour theme, I just cannot work out how to get rid of the solid green underline from functions. Im hoping to remove the solid underline i cant find anything online who has had ...
Luke's user avatar
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How do I make the border around my graphs smaller in CustomTkinter

I'm working on a project where my result will be displayed in a graph. I'm working with CustomTkinter and my graphs are displayed with Mathplotlib. I'm having trouble with removing the borders around ...
Ruben g.'s user avatar
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HPA not scaling down on EKS even though current metric 0

I have deployed a simple dummy application that performs a numer of "calculations" (sleeps) in parallel. I have deployed it using Terraform / Terrgrunt here
Rob Smith's user avatar
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Unity.Properties.SourceGenerator.PropertyBagGenerator cannot be created? Error

Opening a Unity project in Visual Studio 2022 yields the following error: CS8032: An instance of analyzer Unity.Properties.SourceGenerator.PropertyBagGenerator cannot be created from x:\x\x\2022.3....
 Lewis's user avatar
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How to type return based on generic optional parameters object in TypeScript

I want to create a function whose options parameter is used to determine the argument passed to its returned function once executed. I think this can be clearer showing my own code, where I'm building ...
sgmonda's user avatar
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Assembly x86_64 .bin file to bootable .iso

I created a simple bootloader in assembly and I compiled it with nasm: nasm -f bin bootloader.asm -o bootloader.bin I used qemu to emulate the "os": qemu-system-x86_64 bootloader.bin This ...
mine_greg's user avatar
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A way to automatically recreate pod on CreateContainerError

In my K8S cluster there is a occasional issue of pods getting stuck in "CreateContainerError" state without any errors or problems. Every time the problem is fixed simply by deleting stuck ...
fourslashw's user avatar
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coil 2.6.0 does not resolve in KMP project

I have a problem in my KMP project. I would like to use coil to render images but I am currently unable to resolve the lib. I added it in the following places: libs.versions.toml: [versions] coil = &...
Bukinski's user avatar
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How to produce a two-level group by in Obsidian using dataview

I store notes in Obsidian which have various properties, the frontmatter looks like this: --- level_1: <l1 property value> level_2: <l2 property value> title: <note title> --- I'd ...
user2567544's user avatar
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predict method in statsmodels (Python)

I am trying to use statsmodels predict method for a multiple linear regression analysis in Python but I always get the same error: TypeError: RegressionModel.predict() got multiple values for argument ...
Davide's user avatar
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How to create a tag after PR got merged but before merge commit?

I have a long running PR which was merged to main branch. However, I needed to create a tag for the main branch before the PR got merged for any future hot fixes! Now that PR got merged (with merge ...
Harshal Patil's user avatar
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Option update in wordpress cannot be called simualtaneously

We are running an event with around 1000 users who have to submit something every day. When they submit, their email is stored in a list in an option in WordPress. I have encountered a problem where ...
Naomi S's user avatar
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Picaso library doesn't load images after first load

I'm loading the first image into PhotoOfBook. Then I try to load completely different images into PhotoOfBook2 and PhotoOfBook3, but the first image (which was loaded into PhotoOfBook) is loaded there....
TryHardSummer's user avatar
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Intercepting cmd+c on Chrome for Mac (for custom copying) unreliable, what am I doing wrong?

For an internal tool at my job, I'm trying to intercept and override the ctrl/cmd+c shortcut. Context: the script below is added to an html file exported from my application. Its purpose is to make ...
Robrecht Vandemeulebroecke's user avatar
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How to set specific months to a year in SQL

I want to update my table and set a financial period to a year from a given column [Declearation period] set [YEAR]='2019' where [DECLEARATION_PERIOD] ='01-MAR-19','01-APR-19','01-MAY-19','01-JUN-19','...
C'mphiwe Donald's user avatar
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COMPUTE STATS IMPALA results in DiskErrorException

I'm trying to execute a compute stats (COMPUTE STATS db.table;) on one of my tables via IMPALA (on a ClouderaDataPlatform), but for this table only I'm encountering the following error: ...
Voxeldoodle's user avatar
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Create and extract the Max Contour value of the Parts [TCL scipt integration in Hyperview]

I am currently working on customizing a macro in order to display the “Query” of the following results (Component ID, Component name, Contour (stress/strain)). The ultimate goal is to export these ...
LALITHYA RANI's user avatar
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SQL Stored Procedure adding values to table run successful, but no result show in the table

I have created a stored procedure in SQL Server to add new student record to Student table. I have grant permission to one of the roles I created that is "DBAdmins". I have also login as &...
Jason Low's user avatar
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TChart ColorBand is being compressed when dragged beyond current chart area

A ColorBand (ChartTool) assigned to Bottom axis on a TChart Component will be compressed when beeing dragged beyond start or end of Bottom axis. ColorBand.StartValue and ColorBand.Endvalue will both ...
Uwe Heim-Bertgen's user avatar
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What is the best practise of handling images in react?

I've been working on a project which has lots of images to display. I found that loading all the images costs lots of time. One friend suggested me to use cache to save the time. So I converted the ...
Terrance's user avatar
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Node js threadworker - threadId keep increasing its threadId number

I have a worker_thread, let's say a "Thread manager" in node 18 app that is spawning, let's call them "sub-workers". They do what they do and when finished execution, they send a ...
Svetoslav Trifonov's user avatar
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Extracting url from a Website Using Python

I'm working for a project for university and I would like to analyze the features of the most popular tv shows using web scarping and text mining. So I tried to scrape the url from every tv show in ...
Paula Gryglewska's user avatar
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Respond to feedback after posting

Baldurs Gate 3 Deluxe Edition v4.1.1.5022896-GOG Free Download Respond to feedback after posting tit is then ...
James willi's user avatar
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amplify configure : Error fetching release: unable to verify the first certificate

I did this "npm install -g @aws-amplify/cli" and then I did "amplify configure" but, I have an error "Downloading release from
iheb sahli's user avatar
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nifi with openshift: pod restarting intermittently

I have nifi running in openshift, and observe that after some time of operation a dialog box pops up on nifi UI, containing following message, and pod restarts. Application is not available The ...
Mandroid's user avatar
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How to set stream's metadata for LAST audio stream with ffmpeg?

I want to add new audio stream (ONE) to some video file (which already has 1 or more audio streams): ffmpeg.exe -y -i "C:\video.mp4" -i "C:\video Fre.mp4" -c:v copy -c:a copy -map ...
Tadeusz's user avatar
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liferay feature to redirect request to file hosted on another server

I am new to Liferay and evaluating Liferay features for below usecase Problem statement : I have files stored on a webserver which cannot be accessible externally to public. I have a Liferay webserver ...
spandana bandaru's user avatar
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How to create n number of collection element (type-linkedHashMap) using code in anylogic?

I have a problem where I have to create n number of collection elements and store date in the key and value from a database using a code. The code must initially check the database and then create the ...
Prasanth Ramesh's user avatar
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react native auth provider effect not triggering for is authenticated check using firebase

I'm creating a register screen for my app, and to do that, I created a OnAuth hook, to register the login/register and logout functionality, and also manage the is authenticated state as wel as the ...
Stefan's user avatar
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How to attach Nuget package.config file for cmake project

I’m working on CPP WinUI3 desktop application with cmake. By default WinUI3 project uses MSBuild. We made the project use cmake with the help of this sample project. ref -
Harshith's user avatar
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rv1106 can't load library ''

rv1106 can't load library '',This library exists locally export LD_LIBRARY_PATH doesnt work ...
user24565699's user avatar
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Custom fullScreenCover animation

Is it possible to add a custom animation to a fullScreenCover? The default animation has been disabled but I am struggling in finding a way to add a custom animation. I guess that transaction....
José's user avatar
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When i try to run this error shows up : TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable

This is my file : EKS.PY Error it is showing : \myenv\Lib\site-packages\kubernetes\config\", line 491, in safe_get key in self.value): ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ TypeError:...
Devansh's user avatar
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Looker - Expected expression "filter_name" in "condition" to be a field name

I am trying to create a dynamic-derived table in Looker using Templated Filters / Liquid parameters. But I am getting the below error. Error: Expected expression "approval_status_param" in &...
Jayesh Amale's user avatar
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Result of multiple querys based on other querys values in PHP

I have a php that receive from a form some values as variables, i make a query with this values and show them in a table. PHP code is: $sql1="SELECT via,codvia,cp,municipio,provincia,( 6371000 * ...
Dummy's user avatar
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Error configuring django channels to connect to htmx

I have a problem when trying to design a realtime messaging function using channels daphne and htmx. I added channels, django_htmx to INSTALLED_APPS in, This is file: `import os ...
Quang Huy Nguyễn Đình's user avatar
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Expo app in Production mode using clerk service for authentication

Hello im working with react native expo application , im using clerk for auth i have just complete my app and i have changed to apk format. But the login is not working i getting a blank screen so i ...
AutomotiveM's user avatar
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how can we use model object method in rails select query

I have two models, first one is User with attributes first_name, last_name and second one is Organization with attribute area_of_field. Now I defined a function in user.rb which tells us specific user ...
Rana. Amir's user avatar
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Bootstrap use in angular17 application

How to add bootstrap in angular-17 application from CLI I tried installing bootstrap globally using npm install -g bootstrap and then added required lines in angular.json in style and script. &...
user24521063's user avatar
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Extract results from networkd3 sankey diagram

I'm new here and this is the second time I'm posting this because the previous post was deleted, I don't know what the issue was, would be great if you could state the reason before deleting the post. ...
C--C's user avatar
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Proper use of resource in Mono.using

I'm finding difficulties in properly using a resource in Mono.using(). I've below code(stripped down version) which uses Netty ByteBuf resource and release it. This mono is decorated by timeout. When ...
akshay's user avatar
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Setup a react app with ruby on rails 4.1.6

I have been trying to get a react app inside my ruby on rails app but I am not able to find any documentation or tutorial online. Rails 4.1.6 does not have webpacker installed on its own. Any tutorial ...
Sayan Patel's user avatar
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Why elements in dropdown menu look like separate boxes? (HTML, CSS)

I started to learn HTML and CSS without any previous knowledge, so sorry if my question is very basic. The elements in my dropdown menu look like they are very out of place compared the main menu ...
Annie007's user avatar
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cpu utilization metrics per Node for singlestore memsql

Good day, I'm seeking a metric that offers CPU Utilization per node in my cluster setup, which comprises two nodes (one acting as master and the other as leaf). I've configured monitoring using sdbm-...
Harika K's user avatar
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issue in working of pdfmake in mobile front

i am trying to make use of pdfmake for my angular project, the pdfmake is used to generate the invoice of order in my project. I is working completely fine for the web section but not working for ...
BP_Kaushik Shukla's user avatar
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Changing output shape from Convolutional Neural Network

I'm trying to create an autoencoder for images of size 200, 200, 1, but the output is of shape 20, 200, 200, 1 and I can't understand why. I therefore cannot reshape the autoencoder prediction for ...
Ollie Horton's user avatar
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Best approach to manage roles and permission sets for user in react.js project

As of now our UI is in sales force and all the user roles, permission sets are managed there but now we taught of moving out of sales force and plan to implement in react.js Hence can anyone tell the ...
Mr Ish's user avatar
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Can we connect to Azure MySQL database from Google Data Studio

Is there a way to create a data source to Azure MySQL database in Google Data Studio? What is the public IP of Google Data studio that I can give access to in my Azure MySQL database? Thanks in ...
G Srikar eddy's user avatar
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Websocket Connection Failed Django javascript

I am trying to connect to my websocket from the frontend in javascript const url = 'wss://${person_id}/'; I am using django channels for backend ...
user24564356's user avatar

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