Questions tagged [customtkinter]

For questions about the Python library customtkinter which wraps the built-in Tkinter

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ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'distutils' in Python 3.12 [duplicate]

When I try to import customtkinter in Python 3.12, I get the following error: File "c:\Users\judel\OneDrive\Documents\Python\", line 1, in <module> import customtkinter as ...
DarkPhinx's user avatar
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6 votes
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pytube.exceptions.RegexMatchError: get_throttling_function_name: could not find match

def video_downloader(video_url_list: List[str], download_folder: str) -> None: """ Download videos from a list of YouTube video URLs. Args: video_urls (List[...
AlexOAD's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

_tkinter.TclError: can't delete Tcl command - customtkinter - custom prompt

What do I need I am trying to implement a custom Yes / No prompt box with help of tkinter. However I don't want to use the default messagebox, because I require the following two functionalites: a ...
N. Maks's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

Problem in making an exe file using Pyinstaller (file made using tkinter and Custom tkinter)

I am trying to make a small application for data entry using tkinter and custom tkinter. The code runs fine in python and I made the exe file of it using pyinstaller --onefile --noconsole ...
Muhammad Farzan Bashir's user avatar
4 votes
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Custom Tkinter Images

I'm trying to create a back button. I have an image called back-button.png in the folder img. This is my code: from tkinter import * import customtkinter as ctk root = Tk() ctk.CTkLabel(root, ...
leech's user avatar
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3 votes
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How to put iconbitmap on a CustomTkinter TopLevel?

This is the code example: class ToplevelWindow(customtkinter.CTkToplevel): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.geometry("400x300")...
Matheus Assumpção Solinho's user avatar
3 votes
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Python customtkinter AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute '_root'

i just took over a project in python after a year and i wanted to rebuild it with customtkinter using the documentation. Here is the code: import customtkinter import tkinter from pytube import ...
GP_Gamer98's user avatar
3 votes
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How to add progress bar on customtkinter?

import customtkinter as CTK class App(CTK.CTk): def __init__(self): super().__init__() = CTK.CTkProgressBar(master=self.checkbox, orientation='horizontal', mode='determinate'...
sofquestions's user avatar
3 votes
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TKinter ComboBox Variable Issue

I am trying to use tkinter, more specifically customtkinter, to create a combobox and have a variable in the first combobox determine what another combobox's options are. I think the syntax maybe a ...
Jared McCallister's user avatar
3 votes
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customtkinter - How to edit CTkEntry border?

So I'm using the customtkinter to create an interface. I have an entry and I want it to have a background, but I cant't do it. In the documentation, there isn't an argument for the border. ...
leech's user avatar
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Tkinter, update widgets real time if list is modified

Let say I've a list of widgets that are generated by tkinter uisng a loop (it's customtkinter in this case but since tkinter is more well known so I think it'd be better to make an example with it), ...
V21's user avatar
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2 votes
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check if Toplevel windows was closed?

I have a tkinter app, created with customtkinter: import customtkinter class App(customtkinter.CTk): def __init__(self): super().__init__() Extra() self.mainloop() class ...
Another_coder's user avatar
2 votes
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Python - text color of one variable in multivariable sentence in Tkinter label

The text source consists out of elements from a nested lists. A label is created for each element in the list. Below the code: list1 = [["test", 3, 2, 0], ["test2", 4, 1, 1],["...
Zercon's user avatar
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2 votes
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How can I get the text in a textbox in customtkinter?

I am building a text editor but I can't save the file because I can't get the text within the textbox. Even thought in the entry widget I can use .get() to get the text. I tried .get() but it displays ...
Harrys Sidiropoulos's user avatar
2 votes
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_tkinter.TclError: invalid command name in Python

This is my debut on this site, so I will start short with introducing myself. I’m Thomas from Denmark, I hold a bachelor's degree in construction engineering and I’m trying to learn to program in ...
ThomasB's user avatar
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Why I'm getting this error when displaying an image in customtkinter?

I'm trying to display an image from a specific folder, but the error "_tkinter.TclError: image "pyimage2" doesn't exist" is showing. I have verified the image path, and it's ...
Alberto Tienda's user avatar
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Custom tkinter label background

I am making a school project, and right now I'm having a problem with the label's backgrounds. the objective is to make the label's background the same as the frame in both dark and light themes, and ...
Lucifer_uwu's user avatar
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Customtkinter/Tkinter canvas objects jumping around

I am fairly new to tkinter and I've been working on this feature of my project that allows a user to drag and drop canvas objects around, however when I move around the canvas and try to move the ...
Cyberin's user avatar
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Python TKinter - breaking buttons, labels, comboboxes into separate files

I have a fairly sizeable tkinter project and I am trying to break apart my buttons, labels, comboboxes etc. into separate .py files. Is it possible to do this using classes? For example, I have a main....
Jared McCallister's user avatar
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How to separate Custom Tkinter GUI process to deal with MultiProcessing Pickling Issue

Summary: I am experiencing the issue TypeError: cannot pickle '_tkinter.tkapp' object I believe this is fixable by ensuring the GUI is running in an entirely separate process How do I do that with ...
Davidb314's user avatar
2 votes
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How to make a window fullscreen in customtkinter?

Tkinter has this method: window_name.attributes('-fullscreen',True) and customtkinter? I haven't found anything but geometry(f"{WIDTH}x{HEIGHT}") However when I grab screen size and put as ...
nickornotto's user avatar
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Using drag and drop files or file picker with CustomTkinter

I have recently decided to start learning Python and while doing several small projects as a hands-on approach, i discovered the customtkinter library ( ...
Furious Gamer's user avatar
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ValueError: ['text_font'] are not supported arguments. Look at the documentation for supported arguments

ValueError: ['text_font'] are not supported arguments. Look at the documentation for supported arguments. the following error is showing when I try to run my customtkinter GUI on visual studio for ...
sara Alqahtani's user avatar
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AttributeError: module 'customtkinter' has no attribute 'CTkFont', i imported customtkinter?

Does someone know, why I get this error? I imported customtkinter the correct way and already redownloaded it, do i have to import it seperately? I import customtkinter and get this error: ...
trapgrave's user avatar
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CustomTkinter progress bar with a stoppable thread

I am trying to combine a ctk progress bar from on a thread that is stoppable like I think I am close but I just ...
Andrew Eaves's user avatar
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python custom tkinter widgets don't appear in the window

I'm trying to create a sample GUI using tkinter with customtkinter module ,but nothing appears in the window. import tkinter import tkinter.messagebox import customtkinter customtkinter....
Kevin4678392's user avatar
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6 answers

python customtkinter library - how to install

I need to install the customtkinter package for python. I used the command pip install customtkinter to install the package. When running pip list I can see the customtkinter package version. In the ...
jj kk's user avatar
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3 answers

Why is the custom tkinter placeholder text for an entry box ignored?

import tkinter as tk import customtkinter as ui ui.set_appearance_mode("dark") ui.set_default_color_theme("dark-blue") root = ui.CTk() root.geometry("500x350") frame = ...
Coder's user avatar
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3 answers

Changing text in a label not working in customtkinter

I am trying to create a simple age calculating program using customtkinter as it is my first time using it although for some reason the age is not showing up in the age_label. What is supposed to ...
Josborne's user avatar
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how to update a label in countdown with customtkinter

I was creating a sound recorder and when i wanted to create a countdown i face problems here's my code from customtkinter import * import sounddevice from import write import time ...
taha farzaneh's user avatar
1 vote
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How to create an File Dialog box in CustomTkinter?

Please review this code where I have used CustomTkinter (alias as "ctk") to create a button. The "command" field contains a function "selectfile". I want to implement ...
Rishabh Das's user avatar
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Pystray icon inappropriate behavior with Tkinter window withdraw

Description: So I am using customtkinter library instead of tkinter, the issue I am facing is that I want my tkinter app to be withdrawn when closed if the minimize window checkbox is checked in ...
AshhadDevLab's user avatar
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Figure doesn't update after regeneration

I am trying to create an updating graph, I want to be able to control when and how often it updates. This graph will need to output data with specified time gaps as to not be too slow nor too fast ...
Josh R's user avatar
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Updating customtkinter.frame()

For my app, I'm designing a frame switching system, but I don't know how to update the screen for when the user changes logins. def show_frame(self, page_name): '''Show a frame for the given ...
Bird's user avatar
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I have some buttons in customtkinter and they are not moving when I change position how would I achive my end result?

So I've been working on this random selector. I am trying to move the buttons to the positions I want them, but for some reason they are not moving. This is the code: import random import ...
Pandas INC's user avatar
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How would I set a background Image in customtkinter?

I want to set a png as the background image in a custokinter UI I have this code import customtkinter import random from PIL import Image import PIL customtkinter.set_appearance_mode("light"...
Pandas INC's user avatar
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Python garbage collector does not release images from memory when used with the Tkinter library

I'm relatively new to programming, I'm self-taught. I'm trying to create a program for sorting photos (using the keys that the user will select to move the photos to their pre-initialized folders). My ...
Anonyxl Her's user avatar
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Changing individual lines to different colors in a customtkinter textbox

I'd like to be able to change the color of text based on what the text contains in a CTkTextbox. I've been able to find something kind of similar in tkinter, "
Greg W's user avatar
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Chatbot with tkinter: labels not showing in the frame with scrollbar

I am working on simple chatbot app with GUI in tkinter. GUI: root = Tk() root.title("Chatbot") ico ='../assets/app_icon.png') photo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(ico) root.wm_iconphoto(...
Milos's user avatar
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how to clear a textbox in Python after button is pressed?

I'm starting in python and I have created this app to open a website after you write it in a textbox, but don't know how to clear it after the button is pressed, please help me... Code: import ...
Joker87's user avatar
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Why is my CustomTkinter creating a blank window in addition to the one I created?

I'm trying to Create a new window in line 87. it creates the window and also a white one although I have created only one window import customtkinter as ctk import tkinter as tk import tkinter.font as ...
Latif's user avatar
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Glitching text in an updating frame in customtkinter

In my program, I have a frame (in customtkinter), this frame updates to display new information each time a button is pressed. The issue is that some of the text is glitched after pressing more than 1-...
BigJ's user avatar
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CustomTkinter TabView

import customtkinter customtkinter.set_appearance_mode("dark") customtkinter.set_default_color_theme("green") root = customtkinter.CTk() root.title("CustomTkinter Tabview&...
CrypticKnot's user avatar
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Customtkinter button text wrapping (doesn't support wraplength attribute)

I'm using the customtkinter library to create a rounded button with an outline, this button can contain a variable length of text and the button itself should dynamically resize. There is no ...
redpz's user avatar
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Python Tkinter - I can't replicate terminal output in Tkinters Label (GUI)

Within my class 'App', I wish to take the user input in the Tkinter EntryBox, and use it to get the definition using pythons PyDictionary module. Once done, I wish to display the output in a Tkinter ...
Leon's user avatar
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python tkinter updating the combo box programmatically

When I print the list that I am setting the Combobox to I am getting an updated list based on the available com ports, however the values in the drop down box are not working. I have a feeling that it ...
koorn5's user avatar
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I want to get the text from this variable using customtkinter

I want to get the text from this, How do I get it? I've instaled tkniter, customtkinter but idk how to get the text from this entry1=customtkinter.CTkEntry(master=frame, width=220, placeholder_text='...
Venexs's user avatar
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storing output text in a tkinter textbox

im looking to output a list of text to both a text file as well as a tkinter textbox. Currently I have it working to print to a text file being held in the same folder. I would like this same list to ...
npmackay's user avatar
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customtkinter Radiobutton does not change IntVar value

I try to run the following code. The main issue is, that I don't understand why when I make a different radiobutton active it doesn't change the entry placeholder_text. I expected self.choice_var ...
emptypocket's user avatar
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Cutomtkinter label packs at bottom of a window instead of packing into set frame

I want to have a frame with labels inside the main application frame, but when I try to add a label to this frame the label is at bottom of the window instead. Code: class Main(CTk): def __init__(...
Martin's user avatar
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