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Cannot format FUSE partition - Permission denied

TL;DR Attempting to format a block device on my FUSE file system fails with EPERM at the open syscall. Permissions are set to 777 and the necessary ioctls are stubbed, but no logs are printed from ...
J-Cake's user avatar
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How to definitelly fix Potgresql autoincrement problem with unique constraint violation

How to fix Potgresql autoincrement problem with unique constraint violation? Is there some option in Postgres which set up sequence value after any insert properly? I am alway getting error when ...
Čamo's user avatar
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HttpClient call to Auvik web API returns unauthorized

I am using the following code to access the Auvik web API for devices on our network. I am using credentials that, in Postman, are working just fine with a 200 Ok response. When I use the same ...
Joel Priddy's user avatar
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Can I add utm URL parameters to third party link tracking to improve the stats in Google Analytics?

I have these links that are built by a third party company, like this: <a class="button" href="" target="_blank"...
Lucky500's user avatar
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How to let hibernate create a complex unique constraint?

I'm using hibernate to autogenerate my tables. Now I want to add a rather complex unique constraint as follows: UNIQUE KEY person_unique ((coalesce(firstname, 'null')), (coalesce(lastname, 'null')), (...
membersound's user avatar
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Error reading channel data (7) - Downloading large files via league/sftp

Using: laravel/[email protected] laravel/[email protected] league/[email protected] league/[email protected] I'm trying to use the SFTP filesystem driver to download files to the local filesystem ...
Winter's user avatar
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WDCGAN training problems

I'm currently working on a DCGAN with Wasserstein Distance Gradient Penalty (WGAN-GP) for mammograms. The target mammograms are in 4D, as I'm using SD VAE 1.4 to reduce the complexity. Each of the ...
Norhther's user avatar
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Fastest way to run typescript files

Background From this repo I'm running a typescript program node --loader ts-node/esm ./examples/ts/cli.ts bitget fetchBalance The typescript version of the program a lot longer than the comparable js ...
Sam's user avatar
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AWS SecurityLake roll-up regions in Terraform

In the example usage on , the following region is set to "eu-west-1". The documentation is ...
dobbs's user avatar
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Using discrete colors for map fill in mapboxgl instead of default interpoolated colors?

The way I've typically seen mapboxgl fill properties work on choropleth maps is something like this: map.on('load', function () { map.addSource('bb', { type: 'geojson', data: data, generateId: ...
DiamondJoe12's user avatar
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How to avoid having to use client secrets in local development for confidential client applications

Given a AspNetCore WebApi application with a corresponding App Registration running in Kubernetes with an assigned Workload Identity. Given that the application must call MSGraph with application ...
PeterE's user avatar
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Using Vidyard embedded player inside of Angular

The embed code provided from the Vidyard Portal is like below: <!-- The script tag should live in the head of your page if at all possible --> <script src="
Dhatri Maddipati's user avatar
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Trying to load .env file into to pm2 config - getting error

I have followed every example I can find online and cannot get my pm2 config to correctly load my Node server. I keep getting the error: Error: Cannot find module 'dotenv/config' . I have my .env in ...
dmikester1's user avatar
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Why within a ValidationRule's Validate function, decimal.TryParse(valueString, out valueParsed) return true giving 1.0.1?

Here's my code: using System.Windows.Controls; namespace MyTest.validations { public class DecimalValidationRule : ValidationRule { public override ValidationResult Validate(object ...
markzzz's user avatar
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38 votes
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How to map mac command key in vim?

I want to map my NERDTREE toggle to Cmd + space but I don't know what character represents Mac's command key in .vimrc. I searched and found that we can use 'D' to represent cmd key from this link, ...
UtkarshPramodGupta's user avatar
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Issue with Drag-and-Drop Functionality: Boxes Not Dropping in Correct Columns

In the code below, I have a weekly calendar displayed as shown below: When I drag and drop these draggable boxes from one date to another, for example, if I drag the Morooka from Tuesday 9th to ...
user022yufjb's user avatar
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Is it possible to automatically write text in a React lexical editor using a Chrome extension?

Im trying to write a chrome extension that automatically writes text in the text box when a user presses a button. Im pretty sure the website I am trying to make the chrome extension work on is using ...
Marcus 123's user avatar
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Spring batch-5 ORA-08177: can't serialize access for this transaction using Oracle database

I am using spring batch 5 using oracle. I have more than 15 batches running using the database. But it shows below error: error code [8177]; ORA-08177: can't serialize access for this ...
Enamul Haque's user avatar
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Unknown system variable when calling Procedure in SingleStore

I've created the following procedure in SingleStore DELIMITER // CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE updateColumnModelName(tableName TEXT, columnName TEXT) AS DECLARE has_column INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE ...
Max's user avatar
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download the zip file of the layer

I am trying to download the .zip file of the layer. I tried this command to get the location of the third party layer that I plan to use in my lambda function. But the location URL is too long and I ...
shantanuo's user avatar
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A macro to remove the first space

Is it possible to write a macro for the problem explained in this discussion? If the following sequence ...
shantanuo's user avatar
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How can I list exported values from all of my CloudFormation templates?

I'm exporting the name of the stack and the URL of my Lambda function in my CloudFormation template. Outputs: LambdaInvokeURL: Value: !GetAtt Myurl.FunctionUrl Export: Name: !Sub &...
shantanuo's user avatar
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AWS Glue Bad value for type BigDecimal : NaN

I'm trying to export a table I crawled from a postgres(rds) database into glue. There's one field with a decimal(10, 2) type. Now I have several problems. Exporting the table from glue(using spark 2....
Mugiwara's user avatar
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chrome.identity.getAuthToken call skipping choosing account and directly asking for permission while implementing OAuth2 google sign in

I have been trying to implement google sign in using OAuth 2 in my chrome extension. For doing so I am using the chrome identity API. But the problem is that when I load up the extension first ...
Naman Mishra's user avatar
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Supabase, how to get the session on the mobile, after the account has been confirmed on the website

I have the following scenario. A user creates an account on a mobile app and lands in the /confirm screen on the mobile app. A user confirms the created account via clicking on the confirmation link ...
Nikolay Melnikov's user avatar
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Animated CSS strikethrough text decoration with multiple text colors

I'm referring to this answer. What if there is more than one color needed to be strikethrough? span { background: linear-gradient(red 0 0) no-repeat 0 60% / var(--s,0%) .1em, #000; ...
Three Year Old's user avatar
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An efficient way to implement a scheduled job that polls a 3rd party API and updates your database

I have a Spring boot app which has a scheduled job that runs every 1,5 seconds. Its goal is to fetch data from a 3rd party api, update the database with results (if needed) and repeat. The next api ...
Alex's user avatar
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Shader transitions on an Image (on press) with react-native-skia

I'm pretty new to react-native-skia, I have a grayscale shader applied on an Image and I would like to apply this kind of transition animation on press to switch between grayscale and full colored ...
HichamELBSI's user avatar
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How to use Sanity image hotspot when dynamically sized

tl;dr I want to keep the Sanity hotspot on screen in a 100vw and 100dvh section, no matter how the user sizes it. Goal On my client's website, I have an image slider for the background of the hero ...
andrilla's user avatar
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LocalStack: URL created by `awslocal lambda create-function-url-config` gives 404 Not Found error

EDIT: I have added my lambda function code at the end. Using LocalStack hosted in Docker on Windows 11, I have successfully bootstrapped my environment and deployed my ASP.NET Core (net8.0) Lambda ...
CB_at_Sw's user avatar
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Custom routes per user in Nuxt 3

Let's say, I have 2 user types: admin and client and the following directory structure: pages/admin/products.vue pages/admin/settings.vue pages/client/products.vue When a user of type admin heads to /...
Max Flex's user avatar
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BERT MLM model fine-tune on small data bad results

I want to fine tune a BERT MLM model from Hugging Face. I have only a small amount of data (train.csv) like this: text בראשית ברא אלהים את השמים ואת הארץ והארץ היתה תהו ובהו וחשך על פני תהום ורוח ...
bsteo's user avatar
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How can I create a search-engine optimized HTML landing page for my Flutter web-app?

Context Hello, I'm a BE engineer that's new to building web-apps with Flutter. I'm using Ruby on Rails for the backend, if that's relevant. Question In the Flutter SEO docs, they say: For web content ...
oamandawi's user avatar
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How to draw a repeating straight line pattern inside Google Maps polygon

I have created a Google map using JavaScript API V3. I am drawing a number of zip code polygons. The polygons are of different colors depending upon some condition. Now I want to draw straight lines/ ...
sandeep's user avatar
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How to work with a "MIME type .pkpass file binary stream," or rather, how to send it as a response to the client and download it

I have been tasked with creating a simple feature that allows the users to fill a form and create an apple wallet pass (.pkpass) for themselves. I have decided to use Pass2u. My problem is, that after ...
Firippo's user avatar
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Create an Xcode 8 extension but no option on Xcode->Editor

macOS 10.12, Xcode 8.1 I had created an Xcode extension like: Build your own Xcode 8 Source Editor Extension and run it, but on the develop Xcode no option with my extension. System Preferences->...'s user avatar
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How to pass data to a sub View from a SwiftData query

I'm learning Swift through a project. I'm creating an app where the user can create multiple accounts and register transactions within each account. The models and views that are relevant to my ...
bluprince13's user avatar
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Call to API Endpoint Successful but DevTools Showing 500 Error

I'm using Laravel to make a request to an endpoint, which when I test locally works fine and returns what I'm expecting to the frontend, and even when I access the API route/Request URL in the browser ...
dejsdukes's user avatar
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Is there a difference between *ngTemplateOutlet and [ngTemplateOutlet] actually?

This is not a duplicate answered by this post nor the (correct) explanation of what the asterisk operator does here. It builds on base of those, though. The bottom line is that that *ngBeep is an ...
Konrad Viltersten's user avatar
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Querying subscription documents that match object

I have subscriptions collection in the database, e.g: [{ _id: new ObjectId(...), query: { size: { $in: [1, 2, 3] } } }, { _id: new ObjectId(...), query: { name: { $eq: 'Shirt' }, } ...
karaxuna's user avatar
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Running standalone scripts and long-running applications with SvelteKit codebase

I have a SvelteKit project and'd like to run some maintenance scripts from the command line. I know how to run scripts with node. The maintenance scripts would refer modules in SvelteKit's $lib folder ...
Mikko Ohtamaa's user avatar
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How to implement 2FA in Laravel with Inertia.js and Vue 3?

I am working on a project using Laravel, Inertia.js, and Vue 3, and I want to implement two-factor authentication (2FA) for user login. My setup includes a MySQL database with a users table that ...
Muhammad Umaair's user avatar
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Nodejs web app authentication allowanonymous or bypassauthorization filter?

I want to implement an authentication logic similar to the mvc's allowanonymous attribute. In node app I have code like this var authChecker = function(req, res, next){ if (req.session.user ...
Serdar's user avatar
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How to overlap a geopandas dataframe with basemap?

I have a shapefile that I read as a geopandas dataframe import geopandas as gpd gdf = gpd.read_file('myfile.shp') gdf.plot() where <Projected CRS: ESRI:54009> Name: World_Mollweide Axis ...
emax's user avatar
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Applinking: Google play Console Domain Ownership not verified

I am working on my applinking, and everything works fine on Android version 11, but doesn't work on version 12 or above! Btw, I am using Firebase Hosting for my Website! And lately, I've found that my ...
Uraam Asif's user avatar
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How can I use a non-standard graphics device interactively?

The problem When running R outside of RStudio, plots will by default be shown in a pop-up window, e.g. provided by the quartz device on macOS, the X11 device on Unix, the windows device on Windows. A ...
wurli's user avatar
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Flutter - Write results in CMD

I want to have a Windows executable created with Flutter to be able to accept command arguments and print the result inside my CMD when I execute it like this : commandtest.exe --type=csv I wrote ...
Yowims's user avatar
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Preventing Terraform from assigning reserved IP addresses to resources

I have a scenario where I’m using AWS server setup with an EFS and RDS setup. To enable high availability, I’ve configured a PCS cluster, and as a result, some IP addresses have been reserved as ...
Dhanushka Ekanayake's user avatar
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Avoid literals in @PreAuthorize annotations Spring boot EL

I'm currently working on avoid literals inside the security annotations. The reason is that in large applications having literals inside these annotations rely on several errors, also refactoring ...
naumb's user avatar
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os.path.isfile() returns False for a file that I'm sure is there. What could cause this?

Hi I am trying to read in and display a picture with cv2 for further analysis with the following code: Edit: I added the path with my username being clear to prove it doesn't contain wacky characters. ...
Mr. Irrelevant's user avatar

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