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125 votes
1 answer

Play Store updates/installs app using a different account than the one the user made IAP through

On this bug report on GitHub, we were asked to raise the issue here. The issue is quite simple. Sometimes, users have multiple accounts on their phone, let's say [email protected] and [email protected]. They ...
casolorz's user avatar
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84 votes
0 answers

Marching Cubes generating holes in mesh

I'm working on a Marching Cubes implementation in Unity. My code is based on Paul Bourke's code actually with a lot of modifications, but anyway, I'm checking if a block at a position is null, and if ...
Statey's user avatar
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69 votes
1 answer

JobScheduler: controlling delay from constraints being met to job being run

I'm using JobScheduler to schedule jobs. Mainly I'm using it for the .setRequiredNetworkType() method, which allows you to specify that you only want the job to be scheduled when a network connection ...
drmrbrewer's user avatar
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67 votes
0 answers

CORS OPTIONS preflight requests not showing in dev tools

How to get Safari to display CORS pre-flight OPTIONS requests in the dev tools network tab? IIRC they used to show up, and I know the requests are being made as we can see them logging on the server. ...
stringy05's user avatar
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64 votes
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swf respondDecisionTaskCompleted call, response time degrade overtime

We have a decided worker running and as the time goes we noticed the response time of the respondDecisionTaskCompleted call was getting slower and slower. We tried using the same instance of the SWF ...
Eatdoku's user avatar
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59 votes
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Local overrides in chrome – keep active while devtools are closed

I really like the local overrides feature in Chrome. While it is handy during development, I'd also like to use it while my devtools are closed. If this were possible, it could replace extensions that ...
panepeter's user avatar
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58 votes
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How might I get detailed database error messages from dplyr::tbl?

I'm using R to plot some data I pull out of a database (the Stack Exchange data dump, to be specific): dplyr::tbl(serverfault, dbplyr::sql(" select year(p.CreationDate) year, ...
Jon Ericson's user avatar
  • 21.2k
57 votes
1 answer

Unit-Test project fails to build after installing .NET 4.5

I have a WPF solution in .NET 4.0 that includes a Unit Test project which tests the different commands used in the ViewModels. Everything was working fine, but then I installed .NET 4.5 and VS2012. ...
atiyar's user avatar
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56 votes
1 answer

Game Command format between bluetooth controller and console

I am creating an Android project, in which I have to make an android wearable smartwatch as a game controller that can send commands to games running on a handheld device connected to that smartwatch ...
Manish Dubey's user avatar
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56 votes
0 answers

Materialize the Value for a Type that has One Inhabitant

Thanks to @MilesSabin's answer I can write a type level Fibonacci sequence: sealed trait Digit case object Zero extends Digit case object One extends Digit sealed trait Dense { type N <: Dense } ...
beefyhalo's user avatar
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55 votes
1 answer

Intermittent 401 Unauthorized from Google GCM

We are getting intermittent 401 Unauthorized errors from Google's GCM service. In the past, it worked 100% of the time. The problem might coincide with our routers accepting IPv6 traffic, but the ...
Jake Braun's user avatar
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55 votes
1 answer

“Illegal type synonym family application in instance” with functional dependency

I have a multi-parameter typeclass with a functional dependency: class Multi a b | a -> b I also have a simple, non-injective type synonym family: type family Fam a I want to write an instance ...
Alexis King's user avatar
  • 43.6k
53 votes
3 answers

How to callback NSStreamDelegate with NSStreamEventOpenCompleted?

I have been working on a NSStreamDelegate, I have implemented call back, I have initialized the input and output stream ilke this... CFReadStreamRef readStream; CFWriteStreamRef writeStream; ...
Newbee's user avatar
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53 votes
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How do I write a TDBCtrlGrid VCL Style custom class?

There are lots of questions here about XE2 VCL Styles and custom colors for Buttons, Panels, edits, etc, and VCL Styles. As much as I wish the existing questions covered it, they don't... So DB ...
Warren  P's user avatar
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52 votes
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SwiftUI UITableView was told to layout its visible cells and other contents without in view hierarchy

I have a list in a view (lets call it view A) where I push a view B via NavigationLink from view A and manipulate the CurrentSubjectValue to the initial view A. The moment the data is added and the ...
Congruent Tech. UG's user avatar
51 votes
1 answer

Qt5 VideoOverview example does not work. Any solution?

I am stuck for a month with a video example given in Qt Video Overview. I tried that code, but I only got a blank square (QWidget). I am using GStreamer0.10 for media playback over Qt5. I also played ...
user avatar
51 votes
1 answer

Xcode 6 how to disable "Lost connection to iPhone" message when unplugging a device?

Upon upgrading to Xcode 6 every time I unplug a device that is running an app deployed and started from Xcode, I get the application-wide popup box saying "Lost connection to [device name]". ...
Alex Stone's user avatar
51 votes
7 answers

How to debug Angular universal?

I am using Angular Universal Starter repo. In angular 4 universal for ssr we could debug browser and node part of application in dev mode(see console), but now I do not see way to debug node part. I ...
dimson d's user avatar
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50 votes
2 answers

Why has `android:screenOrientation="behind"` no effect in android 4.1.2?

As a test sample, there is an application with 2 activities: MainActivity that launches SecondActivity on button click. It works fine on Android 4.0.4, but on Android 4.1.2 I encountered unexpected ...
moorka's user avatar
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48 votes
1 answer

Recaptcha V3 error incorrect-captcha-sol randomly

I'm getting incorrect-captcha-sol error code sometime while using Google reCAPTCHA server side verification api. I have integrated google recaptcha validation to some of my apis. To do so, I pass ...
Rahul Bansal's user avatar
47 votes
1 answer

What is the ":ABPerson" string in CNContact identifier?

My iOS application checks the contacts from time to time and imports a new one to its own database. I checked that contact and it already exists by the identifier field, that is usually filled by ...
General Failure's user avatar
47 votes
1 answer

Keras not using multiple cores

Based on the famous script, I wrote this one to check that theano can in fact use multiple cores: import os os.environ['MKL_NUM_THREADS'] = '8' os.environ['GOTO_NUM_THREADS'] = '8' os....
Herbert's user avatar
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47 votes
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WebView native crash: "Operation not permitted" - ILL_ILLOPC

I'm seeing a lot of crash reports similar to the crash below, and I'm at a loss for how to diagnose the issue. Crash heading in Google Developer Console: Native crash at /data/app/
Mark McClelland's user avatar
46 votes
2 answers

NSRangeException Out of Bounds error

I am setting the attributed text of a label, and I am getting this strange error: Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSRangeException', reason: 'NSMutableRLEArray replaceObjectsInRange:...
Chandler De Angelis's user avatar
46 votes
2 answers

Generated system.img not running on emulator

I wanted to build a custom ROM for Android TV. I have followed the steps given on the Android Source Code - AOSP website and downloaded the source using the commands below: repo init -u https://...
krupal.agile's user avatar
45 votes
0 answers

What is `Can't find variable: loadHomepageTiles` error on iOS 11.3

I recently came across this error message: Can't find variable: loadHomepageTiles on our error logs from one of our angularjs 1.6 mobile applications. This seems to only happen on iOS devices running ...
Mokky Miah's user avatar
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45 votes
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Use the `pos` argument in Rgraphviz to fix node position

Based on this question Automatically curving an arc when it is overlapping with another one, I am trying to set the pos attribute in a RGraphviz plot. Can someone show how to correctly use the pos ...
user20650's user avatar
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45 votes
2 answers

Piwik Filter Graph by Custom Variable

In piwik, is it possible to filter the visitors graph based on a custom variable from the tracker? I want to show an evolution graph of all the visits with a 70 value in the first custom variable slot....
stampede76's user avatar
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45 votes
1 answer

Write/create file within Android Instrumentation context

I have a class that creates (or opens) a file to write some data to it. This class receives a Context in the constructor, saves it in an instance field, and then uses it to call the context....
mato's user avatar
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44 votes
1 answer

ExecuteRequestHandler spent most of the time

I'm working on some performance related tasks and using new relic to diagnose first. Here is what I have got I'm wondering is it possible to improve on the ExecuteRequestHandler part? Any help will ...
Ryan Chu's user avatar
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44 votes
3 answers

Is there an equivalent to Chrome's DevTools 'workspaces' in Firefox?

As in title: Is there an equivalent to Chrome's DevTools 'workspaces' in Firefox? If not - how else can I work with source maps if my source js and scss files are outside webroot? Can I save changes ...
Xander's user avatar
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43 votes
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How do I share a link to a Firebase Crashlytics report?

Has anyone figured out how to get a permalink to a Firebase Crashlytics issue? I'd like to paste an issue link in our bug tracker. The only way I know right now is the copy the address bar, but the ...
bugloaf's user avatar
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43 votes
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How to make a composite manifest for Microsoft smooth streaming

I am new to Microsoft Smooth Streaming and have questions about the making of composite manifests. Following the guidance from here. I was able to make a composite manifest of a single clip element ...
Lich's user avatar
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42 votes
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How to resolve the BufferQueueProducer problem specifically on Android Q Pixel 3 and 3 XL devices, while Emulator works fine

I am using a surface texture view to display videos. The videos are shown in a carousel which is essentially a view pager. I have already tried releasing the surface view on the surface gets destroyed ...
Abdullah Nasim's user avatar
42 votes
2 answers

iOS SecTrustRef Always NULL

I'm trying to connect an iOS app to a Windows C# sever using TLS over TCP/IP. The TLS connection is using untrusted certificates created from an untrusted CA root certificate using the makecert ...
jussij's user avatar
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42 votes
1 answer

Chrome custom tabs not opening other apps

The Chrome custom tabs doesn't seem to launch other apps by deeplinking. For example a PayPal payment, when Chrome is launched with this URL. It will ask the user if the URL has to be opened with the ...
Ion Aalbers's user avatar
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41 votes
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How windows handle the clipboard interface with Xming?

My question comes from a problem: I Use Xming on Windows 7 to connect to a Linux host (through PuTTY) in order to start and display a gnome-terminal. I have some troubles using the Windows clipboard: ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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41 votes
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How to Update Frames for all Size Classes in a Storyboard in Xcode 6.1?

When working with Storyboard files in Interface Builder on Xcode 6.1, Apple recommends designing for the Any/Any size class. When finished, different size classes sometimes report warnings: Misplaced ...
Dave Gallagher's user avatar
41 votes
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View Product Quantity based on Base UoM and Purchase UoM in OpenERP 7

I am using different units of measure for the same products. Say 1 mL as a base unit of measure, 1 Litre can as purchase unit of measure. Is it possible in OpenERP7 to view the product quantity ...
Umar Ibrahim's user avatar
41 votes
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Chicago Boss: Routes does not work in production mode?

I created the rahm_test_controller.erl file in src directory, and added an action named hello. In /priv/rahm.routes, I added this line for home page: {"/",[{controller,"test"}, {action, "hello"}]}. ...
Mr.Wang from Next Door's user avatar
41 votes
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Creating meta tags for Linkedin - Publish Date "not found"

I was using the following tags in relation to the posted date of a website (blog) article: <meta name="article-published_time" property="article:published_time" content="2019-10-21T00:00:00-0600"&...
WEBjuju's user avatar
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41 votes
2 answers

Android Studio 3.4 dependencies suggestions - make it to not show alpha/beta versions

In Android Studio 3.4 added new window suggestions in Project Structure which suggest update gradle dependencies to latest version. Is it possible to show only final version there without alpha/beta ...
anber's user avatar
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41 votes
2 answers

AVPlayer frame animation

I am developing an application that include functionality to play video with per-frame animation. You can see an example of such functionality. I already tried to add CAKeyFrameAnimation to sublayer ...
rkyr's user avatar
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41 votes
2 answers

What's different about Screensaver preview in Windows 8?

I'm working on a simple WPF-based screensaver and can't get the thumbnail preview to work. When you open the display control panel and go to configure the screensaver, the selected screensaver is ...
Bevan's user avatar
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>90% of the time is spent on method 'acquire' of 'thread.lock' objects

To identify the step that is using most of the computation time, I ran cProfile and got the following result: ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall filename:lineno(function) 1 0....
Sameeresque's user avatar
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40 votes
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Google OAuth 2 Refresh Token is Missing for Web App but Present for localhost

Problem: Missing OAuth 2 Refresh Token. The problem is that the localhost version receives a Refresh Token as part of the granted token but the same code running in GCE does not. Details: I have ...
John Hanley's user avatar
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40 votes
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How do I see Authentication Header in Google Chrome DevTools?

Title basically says it all. I go to the Network tab and go to the "request headers" but I don't my authentication that is being sent.
chobo2's user avatar
  • 84.4k
40 votes
4 answers

How can I obfuscate my SDK coded with Kotlin (and get rid of Metadata)

I'm developing an SDK (Android library), and I have to obfuscate a large part of my code so the customer may not try and play with internal code. My lib is coded in Kotlin, and I used Proguard to ...
AlexG's user avatar
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40 votes
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Per-element atomicity of vector load/store and gather/scatter?

Consider an array like atomic<int32_t> shared_array[]. What if you want to SIMD vectorize for(...) sum += shared_array[i].load(memory_order_relaxed)?. Or to search an array for the first non-...
Peter Cordes's user avatar
40 votes
1 answer

many parallel applications of a sequential transform in repa

In Repa, I would like to apply a certain d-dimensional linear transform in parallel across the innermost dimension of my array, i.e., on all "column" vectors. In general, such a transformation can be ...
Chris Peikert's user avatar

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