Questions tagged [tcl]

Tool Command Language was invented by John Ousterhout as a way to make it easy to write little languages for configuring EDA tools, but it has grown far beyond those humble beginnings to become a general scripting language with built-in asynchronous I/O and Unicode strings while supporting paradigms such as object-oriented programming and coroutines.

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85 votes
4 answers

List of All Tkinter Events

In Python tkinter module, <Button-1>, <Button-2> and <Button-3> are used to identify mouse button clicks for left, middle and right buttons respectively. Likewise, <KeyPress-...
mcu's user avatar
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74 votes
8 answers

How to make a GUI for bash scripts? [closed]

I want to make some graphical dialogs for my script but don't know how. I hear something about GTK-Server or something like that. If someone knows how to link Bash with tcl/tk I also be satisfied. ...
lauriys's user avatar
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73 votes
7 answers

Cannot launch Git GUI using Cygwin on Windows

I used to launch Git GUI within my Cygwin console without any problems, but since I updated Cygwin I've got the following error message: $ git gui Application initialization failed: no display name ...
Stijn Vanpoucke's user avatar
69 votes
3 answers

Get the version of TCL from the command-line?

I'm looking for a very straight-forward way of getting the version of the TCL installed on a machine from the command-line. For most programming languages, something along the lines of languagename -...
Simon Peter Chappell's user avatar
67 votes
5 answers

Waiting for background processes to finish before exiting script

How do I make sure that all my background processes have finished execution before I exit my script (TCL/Bash). I was thinking of writing all my background process pids to a pidfile. And then at the ...
egorulz's user avatar
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36 votes
2 answers

How to set border color of certain Tkinter widgets?

I'm trying to change the background color of my Tkinter app, but for certain widgets it leaves a white border around the edges. For example, this: from tkinter import * COLOR = "black" root = Tk() ...
jefdaj's user avatar
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35 votes
7 answers

error: curl: /usr/local/lib/ no version information available (required by curl)

Hello i have this error when i run curl from tcl error: curl: /usr/local/lib/ no version information available (required by curl) curl --version curl 7.40.0 (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu)...
user avatar
34 votes
2 answers

Complex number arithmetic in Tcl?

Is there an equivalent to the expr command which works for complex numbers (represented lists of two doubles)? This library provides functions for complex number arithmetic, and this seems to be a ...
Vahagn's user avatar
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30 votes
5 answers

Why is topdir set to its default value when rpmbuild called from tcl?

I have a tcl script which 'exec' rpmbuild. When doing so, the 'topdir' used by rpmbuild is wrong. I have a .rpmmacros file in my home directory and if I call manually rpmbuild, it works fine, ie. the '...
Barth's user avatar
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28 votes
4 answers

TCL string concat

What is the recommended way of concatenation of strings?
Narek's user avatar
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28 votes
4 answers

Read Bash environment variable in TCL

How to read a shell environment variable in your Tcl script. So anyone please help me. I am very new in TCL.
galvin Verghese's user avatar
28 votes
2 answers

Any difference between "send_user" and "puts" in Expect?

It's not clear to me if send_user is the same as puts. Every time I want to send an informative message to the user, I would wonder which one I should use. From Expect's man page, it seems like ...
pynexj's user avatar
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27 votes
10 answers

Do a tail -F until matching a pattern

I want to do a tail -F on a file until matching a pattern. I found a way using awk, but IMHO my command is not really clean. The problem is that I need to do it in only one line, because of some ...
Sam Alba's user avatar
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27 votes
7 answers

TCL remove an element from a list

How te remove an element from TCL list say: which has index = 4 which has value = "aa" I have Googled and have not found any built-in function yet.
Narek's user avatar
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27 votes
3 answers

How to get Command history by cursor key in Linux tclsh

Can get the command history by using cursor key (like up arrow key) in TCL shell (tclsh). I am running tclsh on fedora with linux version 2.6.21.
Adi's user avatar
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25 votes
5 answers

Python embeddable zip: install Tkinter

Python embeddable zip comes without pip and Tkinter. It is easy to install pip with in the embeddable zip. How can we install Tkinter too (assuming we do not have an existing Python ...
antonio's user avatar
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25 votes
3 answers

How do I link the ActiveState distribution of Tcl/Tk to HomeBrew installed Python

I am using macOS 10.12.1 Sierra. I am using Python 2.7.12 installed with brew install python but the IDLE gives the warning WARNING: The version of Tcl/Tk (8.5.9) in use may be unstable. Visit http:...
Tom Burrows's user avatar
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25 votes
1 answer

How to update Tcl/Tk in Python?

Tcl and Tk in their version 8.6 have been out now for about six weeks. However, the files that can be downloaded from Tcl have a different folder structure and lack some files such as tk85.lib (or ...
Michael Westwort's user avatar
23 votes
4 answers

Why is modulus different in different programming languages?

Perl print 2 % -18; --> -16 Tcl puts [expr {2 % -18}] --> -16 but VBScript wscript.echo 2 mod -18 --> 2 Why the difference?
bugmagnet's user avatar
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23 votes
4 answers

Understanding the usage of braces

I'm learning Tcl/Tk and am confused on the usage of curly braces in tcl. To me it seems to be used to both indicate scope and declare strings! Is this a bug (or feature)? Is my interpretation ...
jack the lesser's user avatar
23 votes
2 answers

The Simplest Steps to Converting TCL TK to a Stand Alone Application

After running into major compatitiblity problems with C#, ASP.NET, MS Access, Linux, and Mono, I've decided to program in a language that is cross-platform, open source, and compatible with embedded ...
DFM's user avatar
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22 votes
3 answers

How to concisely concatenate strings in Tcl?

I can easily concatenate two variables, foo and bar, as follows in Tcl: "${foo}${bar}". However, if I don't want to put an intermediate result into a variable, how can I easily concatenate the ...
WilliamKF's user avatar
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22 votes
4 answers

What is the difference between spawn and exec?

I'm learning to write a TCL (expect) scripts and I notice that some examples show to use spawn, while others show the command exec. I tried googling, but can't find what is the difference? Suppose I ...
Milan Babuškov's user avatar
22 votes
6 answers

Install tkinter in python3.6 on Ubuntu [duplicate]

+--------+-----------------------------------+ | OS | Ubuntu 12.04 | +--------+-----------------------------------+ | Python | 2.7, 3.2 and source installed 3.6 | +--------+---...
lapin's user avatar
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21 votes
6 answers

TCL : Concatenate a variable and a string

Assume we have a variable 'a' set to 12345 : set a 12345 Now how do i set a new variable 'b' which contains the value of 'a' and another string say 9876 workaround is something like set a "12345" ...
user651006's user avatar
21 votes
2 answers

Threads and tkinter

I've heard that threads in Python are not easy to handle and they become more tangled with tkinter. I have the following problem. I have two classes, one for the GUI and another for an infinite ...
Martin DLF's user avatar
20 votes
4 answers

General string quoting for TCL

I'm writing a utility (which happens to be in python) which is generating output in the form of a TCL script. Given some arbitrary string variable (not unicode) in the python, I want to produce a TCL ...
greggo's user avatar
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19 votes
5 answers

How to get path of current script?

Sometimes its needed to get current path of a script. What are the ways to do that?
vasili111's user avatar
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19 votes
8 answers

IDLE warns against an old TCL version even though I've installed a newer version

I have installed ActiveTcl8. on my OS X 10.9.1 . However, when I launch IDLE by running idle3 from the terminal, the following warning shows in the IDLE ...
Evan Aad's user avatar
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18 votes
11 answers

Hidden Features of TCL/TK [closed]

I've been working with TCL/TK ,recently started to use TCL/TK with my automation applications and I'm hungry for knowledge. To continue with the long line of Hidden Feature questions, I would like to ...
18 votes
4 answers

How to run tcl script inside other tcl script?

I have two tcl scripts. I want to run the second script when the first finished. How can I do it?
d_pilot's user avatar
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18 votes
3 answers

Know any creative ways to interface Python with Tcl?

Here's the situation. The company I work for has quite a bit of existing Tcl code, but some of them want to start using python. It would nice to be able to reuse some of the existing Tcl code, ...
Jay Atkinson's user avatar
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18 votes
1 answer

How to get the results (standard output) of a TCL exec command?

Say I have a TCL script like this: exec ls -l Now this will print out the content of current directory. I need to take that output as a string and parse it. How I can do this?
Narek's user avatar
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17 votes
4 answers

Why are multiple instances of Tk discouraged?

Consider below example: import tkinter as tk root = tk.Tk() root.title("root") other_window = tk.Tk() other_window.title("other_window") root.mainloop() and also see below example that creates ...
Nae's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

TCL obtain the proc name in which I am

How to know what is the name of the proc in which I am. I mean I need this: proc nameOfTheProc {} { #a lot of code here puts "ERROR: You are using 'nameOfTheProc' proc wrongly" } so I want ...
Narek's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

Should I use Perl/Tk, Tcl::Tk or Tkx for a Perl GUI?

I really like Perl/Tk, but have come to the opinion that it's DOA. I think Tcl::Tk and Tkx are better solutions. Assume I drop Perl/Tk. Is the "most supported" route to go with Tcl::Tk (which hasn't ...
xcramps's user avatar
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16 votes
5 answers

Fullpath of current TCL script

Is there a possibility to get the full path of the currently executing TCL script? In PHP it would be: __FILE__
dmorlock's user avatar
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16 votes
4 answers

Neatly listing values in multiple lines

How does one list values in multiple lines without a backslash at the end of each line? One can't create a list in multiple lines without having a backslash at the end. For example, the following (...
Dor's user avatar
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16 votes
1 answer

How to Print the Contents of an Array in Tcl

I want to print the contents of an array in Tcl (for debugging). The order is unimportant, I just want every value printed. How do I do it?
Stefan's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I remove a Tcl procedure?

How do I remove a tcl procedure? One can unset a variable, override an alias with interp alias {} myproc {} otherproc, override a proc with one defined inside another namespace with namespace ...
cfi's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

Passing list to Tcl procedure

What is the canonical way to pass a list to a Tcl procedure? I'd really like it if I could get it so that a list is automatically expanded into a variable number of arguments. So that something like:...
Juan's user avatar
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15 votes
4 answers

the if statement in TCL

I have a question about if statement in tcl of the following code: if {(($number == 1)&&($name == "hello")) || (($number == 0)&&($name == "yes"))} { #do something here } The ...
user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

Background spawned process in Expect

I'm using expect to start an application on my server: #!/usr/bin/expect set timeout -1 spawn "bin/" expect { -re "Found MongoDB in" { send "y\r"; exp_continue } -re "Found ...
Lucas's user avatar
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14 votes
9 answers

Python tcl is not installed properly

I just installed for python. But when I tried to run the following code: from graphics import * def main(): win = GraphWin("My Circle", 100, 100) c = Circle(...
psiovana's user avatar
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13 votes
6 answers

TCL vs Lua - scripting a mmo server

I have a c++ server side project that I need to embed some sort of scripting into. It is part of an online MMO type of server. I have significant experience using TCL, and it seems like the natural ...
Byron Whitlock's user avatar
13 votes
6 answers

Determine type of a variable in Tcl

I'm looking for a way to find the type of a variable in Tcl. For example if I have the variable $a and I want to know whether it is an integer. I have been using the following so far: if {[...
Tom's user avatar
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13 votes
4 answers

Tcl/Tk examples?

Tcl/Tk is a simple way to script small GUIs. Can anyone give a nice example with a button and a text widget. When the button is pressed should a shell command be executed and the output piped to the ...
epatel's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Expect - Interrupt program - Ctrl+C

I am running the following script to start a capture on a remote server and download the file afterwards. Currently I have to pause it with Ctrl+C and manually exit. How can I replace the interact ...
husvar's user avatar
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13 votes
4 answers

how the upvar command works in TCL?

I have a question about upvar command in TCL. Using upvar command, we have have a reference to a global variable or a local variable in other procedure. I saw the following code: proc tamp {name1 ...
user avatar
13 votes
5 answers

Install tkinter and python locally

I work with linux on a servies. And I don't have the root privilege. I installed the python-3.2.3 locally to "/home/sam/install_sam". when I import the tkinter module. I get the following error: ...
Samuel's user avatar
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