I want to create a function whose options parameter is used to determine the argument passed to its returned function once executed. I think this can be clearer showing my own code, where I'm building an object whose keys are the same than input ones but in upper case:

type IOptions<TA, TB, TC> = Partial<{ a: TA, b: TB, c: TC }>;

const createFun = <TA, TB, TC>(options: IOptions<TA, TB, TC>) => {
  type ITempA = TA extends undefined ? never : TA;
  type ITempB = TB extends undefined ? never : TB;
  type ITempC = TC extends undefined ? never : TC;
  return (fun: (args: { A: ITempA, B: ITempB, C: ITempC }) => void) => {
      A: options.a as ITempA,
      B: options.b as ITempB,
      C: options.c as ITempC,

createFun({ a: { one: 1, two: 2 } })(args => { console.log(args.A.one) });
              //                       ^
              //                       |
              // Here `args` is as follows
              // { 
              //    A: {one: number; two: number}, 
              //    B: unknown, 
              //    C: unknown 
              // }

What I need is that args does not include any non-provided key. In this example I expect that args = { A: { one: 1, b: 2 } } so TypeScript complains in case I try to do read args.B.

NOTE I've tried to consider all combinations of existing keys inside options, to create an interface based on it, but it is a bad approach as that options object may be larger. I'm showing three items only (A, B, C) for simplification.



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