Questions tagged [django-rest-framework]

Django REST framework is a powerful and flexible toolkit for building RESTful Web APIs. Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Built by experienced developers, it takes care of much of the hassle of Web development, so you can focus on writing your app without needing to reinvent the wheel. It’s free and open source.

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315 votes
9 answers

Django rest framework, use different serializers in the same ModelViewSet

I would like to provide two different serializers and yet be able to benefit from all the facilities of ModelViewSet: When viewing a list of objects, I would like each object to have an url which ...
BlackBear's user avatar
  • 22.7k
231 votes
13 answers

How can I enable CORS on Django REST Framework

How can I enable CORS on my Django REST Framework? the reference doesn't help much, it says that I can do by a middleware, but how can I do that?
Julio Marins's user avatar
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222 votes
4 answers

How to disable admin-style browsable interface of django-rest-framework?

I am using django-rest-framework. It provides an awesome Django admin style browsable self-documenting API. But anyone can visit those pages and use the interface to add data (POST). How can I disable ...
iForests's user avatar
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222 votes
11 answers

Django REST Framework: adding additional field to ModelSerializer

I want to serialize a model, but want to include an additional field that requires doing some database lookups on the model instance to be serialized: class FooSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): ...
Neil's user avatar
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220 votes
15 answers

How to get Request.User in Django-Rest-Framework serializer?

I've tried something like this, it does not work. class PostSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): class Meta: model = Post def save(self): user = self.context['request....
PythonIsGreat's user avatar
208 votes
5 answers

What's the appropriate HTTP status code to return if a user tries logging in with an incorrect username / password, but correct format?

A similar question is posted here: What's an appropriate HTTP status code to return by a REST API service for a validation failure? The answer in the thread above states that "For instance if the ...
SilentDev's user avatar
  • 22k
200 votes
37 answers


When I run python migrate on my Django project, I get the following error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 22, in <module> execute_from_command_line(sys.argv)...
Hari Krishnan's user avatar
194 votes
4 answers

How do I include related model fields using Django Rest Framework?

Let's say that we have the following model: class Classroom(models.Model): room_number = [...] class Teacher(models.Model): name = [...] tenure = [...] classroom = models.ForeignKey(...
Chaz's user avatar
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192 votes
13 answers

Disable a method in a ViewSet, django-rest-framework

ViewSets have automatic methods to list, retrieve, create, update, delete, ... I would like to disable some of those, and the solution I came up with is probably not a good one, since OPTIONS still ...
db0's user avatar
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185 votes
1 answer

Django REST framework: non-model serializer

I am beginner in Django REST framework and need your advice. I am developing a web service. The service has to provide REST interface to other services. The REST interface, which I need to implement, ...
Zakhar's user avatar
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171 votes
17 answers

Django Rest Framework remove csrf

I know that there are answers regarding Django Rest Framework, but I couldn't find a solution to my problem. I have an application which has authentication and some functionality. I added a new app ...
Irene Texas's user avatar
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168 votes
16 answers

Django: TemplateDoesNotExist (rest_framework/api.html)

In my view function, I'd like to return a json object (data1) and some text/html (form). Is this possible? MY code @api_view(['POST']) @permission_classes((AllowAny,)) def create_user(request): if ...
Coeus's user avatar
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164 votes
22 answers

Django Rest Framework - Authentication credentials were not provided

I'm developing an API using Django Rest Framework. I'm trying to list or create an "Order" object, but when i'm trying to access the console gives me this error: {"detail": "Authentication ...
Marcos Aguayo's user avatar
160 votes
5 answers

How to change field name in Django REST Framework

I am trying to change Model field name in DRF Serializer like alias in SQL. I have tried different methods but cannot succeed. class Park(models.Model): name = models.CharField(...
Shoaib Ijaz's user avatar
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160 votes
7 answers

What are the differences between django-tastypie and djangorestframework? [closed]

Why would you use one over the other, for exposing an API for your Django app?
coffee-grinder's user avatar
159 votes
22 answers

Django Rest Framework - Could not resolve URL for hyperlinked relationship using view name "user-detail"

I am building a project in Django Rest Framework where users can login to view their wine cellar. My ModelViewSets were working just fine and all of a sudden I get this frustrating error: Could not ...
bpipat's user avatar
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149 votes
24 answers

Django Rest Framework File Upload

I am using Django Rest Framework and AngularJs to upload a file. My view file looks like this: class ProductList(APIView): authentication_classes = (authentication.TokenAuthentication,) def ...
Pawan's user avatar
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148 votes
8 answers

Retrieving a Foreign Key value with django-rest-framework serializers

I'm using the django rest framework to create an API. I have the following models: class Category(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=100) def __unicode__(self): ...
hellsgate's user avatar
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148 votes
11 answers

Django rest framework serializing many to many field

How do I serialize a many-to-many field into list of something, and return them through rest framework? In my example below, I try to return the post together with a list of tags associated with it. ...
kengcc's user avatar
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148 votes
2 answers

When to use Serializer's create() and ModelViewset's perform_create()

I want to clarify the given documentation of Django-rest-framework regarding the creation of a model object. So far I have found that there are 3 approaches on how to handle such events. The ...
Shift 'n Tab's user avatar
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145 votes
4 answers

How to serialize Model @property with ModelSerializer?

I'm trying to serialize a model containing a property field that I also want to serialize. class MyModel(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=100) slug = models....
Sander Smits's user avatar
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143 votes
10 answers

Django Rest Framework: Dynamically return subset of fields

Problem As recommended in the blogpost Best Practices for Designing a Pragmatic RESTful API, I would like to add a fields query parameter to a Django Rest Framework based API which enables the user to ...
Danilo Bargen's user avatar
143 votes
4 answers

Include intermediary (through model) in responses in Django Rest Framework

I have a question about dealing with m2m / through models and their presentation in django rest framework. Let's take a classic example: from django.db import models class Member(models....
mllm's user avatar
  • 17.2k
142 votes
6 answers

Django REST Framework custom fields validation

I am trying to create custom validation for a model, to check that its start_date is before its end_date and it is proving near impossible. Stuff I've tried: built-in Django validators: none check ...
Gabi's user avatar
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141 votes
12 answers

Token Authentication for RESTful API: should the token be periodically changed?

I'm building a RESTful API with Django and django-rest-framework. As authentication mechanism we have chosen "Token Authentication" and I have already implemented it following Django-REST-Framework's ...
nemesisdesign's user avatar
133 votes
8 answers

Python Django Rest Framework UnorderedObjectListWarning

I upgraded from Django 1.10.4 to 1.11.1 and all of a sudden I'm getting a ton of these messages when I run my tests: lib/python3.5/site-packages/rest_framework/ ...
Denise Mauldin's user avatar
131 votes
9 answers

Django Rest Framework with ChoiceField

I have a few fields in my user model that are choice fields and am trying to figure out how to best implement that into Django Rest Framework. Below is some simplified code to show what I'm doing. # ...
awwester's user avatar
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129 votes
32 answers

Django Rest Framework -- no module named rest_framework

I've installed django rest framework using pip install djangorestframework yet I still get this error when I run "python3 sycndb": ImportError: No module named 'rest_framework' I'm using ...
tryingtolearn's user avatar
121 votes
6 answers

TemplateDoesNotExist - Django Error

I'm using Django Rest Framework. and I keep getting an error Exception Type: TemplateDoesNotExist Exception Value: rest_framework/api.html I dont know how I'm going wrong. This is the first time I'...
python-coder's user avatar
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121 votes
8 answers

How to add custom field in ModelSerializer?

I created a ModelSerializer and want to add a custom field which is not part of my model. I found a description to add extra fields here and I tried the following: customField = CharField(source='...
Ron's user avatar
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120 votes
26 answers

SocketException: OS Error: Connection refused, errno = 111 in flutter using django backend

I m building a flutter app with django rest-framework. The registration api is working fine in Postman but after some successful registration from the flutter app it is showing the above error. The ...
Harnish Rajput's user avatar
120 votes
12 answers

Django rest framework nested self-referential objects

I have model that looks like this: class Category(models.Model): parentCategory = models.ForeignKey('self', blank=True, null=True, related_name='subcategories') name = models.CharField(...
Jacek Chmielewski's user avatar
120 votes
6 answers

How do you filter a nested serializer in Django Rest Framework?

In Django Rest Framework, how do you filter a serializer when it's nested in another serializer? My filters are imposed in the DRF viewsets, but when you call a serializer from inside another ...
John's user avatar
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117 votes
6 answers

Write only, read only fields in django rest framework

I have models like this: class ModelA(models.Model): name = models.CharField() class ModelB(models.Model): f1 = models.CharField() model_a = models.ForeignKey(ModelA) Serializers: ...
user1305989's user avatar
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115 votes
8 answers

Pass request context to serializer from Viewset in Django Rest Framework

I have a case where the values for a serializer field depend on the identity of the currently logged in user. I have seen how to add the user to the context when initializing a serializer, but I am ...
oowowaee's user avatar
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115 votes
12 answers

Django or Django Rest Framework [closed]

I have made a certain app in Django, and I know that Django Rest Framework is used for building APIs. However, when I started to read about Django Rest Framework on their website, I noticed that each ...
Rookie_123's user avatar
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110 votes
11 answers

RuntimeError: Model class django.contrib.sites.models.Site doesn't declare an explicit app_label and isn't in an application in INSTALLED_APPS

I am building an application with Django Rest Framework and AngularJs. I am using Django-rest-auth for my authentication purposes, although, I have not been able to set it up. Anyway, I am trying to ...
darkhorse's user avatar
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110 votes
7 answers

Django Rest Framework partial update

I'm trying to implement partial_update with Django Rest Framework but I need some clarification because I'm stuck. Why do we need to specify partial=True? In my understanding, we could easily update ...
intelis's user avatar
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109 votes
8 answers

Pass extra arguments to Serializer Class in Django Rest Framework

I want to pass some arguments to DRF Serializer class from Viewset, so for I have tried this: class OneZeroSerializer(rest_serializer.ModelSerializer): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): ...
Shoaib Ijaz's user avatar
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109 votes
20 answers

CSRF Failed: CSRF token missing or incorrect

I'm using Django 1.7 and django-rest-framework. I made an API that returns me some JSON data putting this in my REST_FRAMEWORK = { 'DEFAULT_PERMISSION_CLASSES': ('rest_framework....
Alex Lord Mordor's user avatar
106 votes
1 answer

Django REST framework serializer without a model

I'm working on a couple endpoints which aggregate data. One of the endpoints will for example return an array of objects, each object corresponding with a day, and it'll have the number of comments, ...
Farid El Nasire's user avatar
105 votes
9 answers

How do I create multiple model instances with Django Rest Framework?

I would like to save and update multiple instances using the Django Rest Framework with one API call. For example, let's say I have a "Classroom" model that can have multiple "Teachers". If I wanted ...
Chaz's user avatar
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105 votes
13 answers

DRF: Simple foreign key assignment with nested serializers?

With Django REST Framework, a standard ModelSerializer will allow ForeignKey model relationships to be assigned or changed by POSTing an ID as an Integer. What's the simplest way to get this behavior ...
John Rork's user avatar
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104 votes
11 answers

How to register users in Django REST framework?

I'm coding a REST API with Django REST framework. The API will be the backend of a social mobile app. After following the tutorial, I can serialise all my models and I am able to create new resources ...
chaim's user avatar
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96 votes
10 answers

How Can I Disable Authentication in Django REST Framework

I'm working on a store site, where every user is going to be anonymous (well, until it's time to pay at least), and I'm trying to use Django REST Framework to serve the product API, but it keeps ...
machineghost's user avatar
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95 votes
11 answers

Django REST Framework - Separate permissions per methods

I am writing an API using Django REST Framework and I am wondering if can specify permissions per method when using class based views. Reading the documentation I see that is quite easy to do if you ...
José L. Patiño's user avatar
95 votes
4 answers

What is the benefit of using a HyperlinkedModelSerializer in DRF?

In reference to this link, I've seen plenty of examples of using a HyperlinkedModelSerializer in Django Rest Framework. It says: The HyperlinkedModelSerializer class is similar to the ...
Tim S.'s user avatar
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94 votes
7 answers

"Post Image data using POSTMAN"

I am trying to POST data to my API. I have a model with an image field where: image = models.ImageField() I have an image on my local box, which I am trying to send. Am I sending it correctly? { ...
User_Targaryen's user avatar
94 votes
1 answer

Difference between views and viewsets?

Maybe relevant: What does django rest framework mean trade offs between view vs viewsets? What is the difference between views and viewsets? And what about router and urlpatterns?
Edgar Derby's user avatar
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93 votes
10 answers

How to set current user to user field in Django Rest Framework?

I have the following code working perfectly. I can create a Post object from DRF panel by selecting an image and a user. However I want DRF to populate the user field by the currently logged in user. ...
MiniGunnR's user avatar
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